24th ESGLD Workshop and Graduate Course


Join us for the 24th ESGLD Workshop to learn of achievements thus far, and glimpse into the future of lysosomal disease research and therapies.  Workshop topics include: 

·         Lysosome Function 

·         Lysosomal Pathology 

·         Therapies 


The graduate course, held immediately before the workshop is an opportunity for postdocs, PhD students and clinical fellows who are new to the lysosomal disease field to be taught about the fundamentals of lysosomal diseases by experts who are at the cutting edge of these areas and to have a chance to informally practice presenting their work in a non-challenging environment to their peers. Participants in the graduate course usually go on to attend the workshop afterwards.

Key Dates:

7th - 8th Septemeber 2022 - Graduate course

8th - 11th September 2022 - 24th ESGLD workshop


The ESGLD community strives to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to engage and enjoy the event fully. 


Proof of your COVID19 Vaccination Certificate will need to be shown when you arrive onsite and regster for the event. 


For general enquiries about the “24th ESGLD workshop and graduate course” please contact: Tereza.andreou@manchester.ac.uk